Special Services

At Alief ISD, we believe all students can learn. We provide a comprehensive, student-centered, problem-solving approach that integrates high-quality instruction, assessment, and intervention within a multi-tier prevention system for early identification of students who are at risk academically or behaviorally. Our collaborative efforts with other departments, campuses, parents, students and community organizations meet the needs of all students.
Alief ISD promotes effective teaching approaches and intervention strategies that address dyslexia and related difficulties in learning to read and write. We believe that all students have a right to achieve their full potential and that individual learning abilities can be strengthened through explicit, systematic, multisensory instruction.
Alief ISD is committed to ensuring that each student makes significant progress. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a whole-child approach to learning that integrates academic, behavioral, and social-emotional instruction and support.To do this, we continuously review data and information that indicates how each student is progressing. This process is also referred to as Response to Intervention (RtI).
Response to Intervention (RtI)/MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) is a 3 - Tier Model that optimizes student growth through a proactive, preventative framework comprised of multiple layers, or tiers, aligned to the varying needs of students. This process establishes intentionality and efficient organization of all district and campus services offered for both students and staff. It aligns our work and facilitates a focus on collaboration, growth, and multi-faceted approaches to student support. With implementation fidelity, RtI/MTSS has the power to close achievement gaps and address the critical needs of all students. Descriptions of each tier is as follows:
Tier 1 is comprised of effective, school-wide systems and differentiated core instruction;
Tier 2 is comprised of targeted, intervention support; and
Tier 3 is comprised of more intense interventions than are found at Tier 2 and more individualized instruction.
The process occurs at all grade levels with an emphasis on core content and behavior. Parents are essential to their child’s success in school. Information from parents enhances decision-making.
Media South
Coordinator for Special Services
Reina Turcios
Special Education Department Secretary
Follow us on X (Twitter) @AISD_SpecialSer

Section 504 Resources
Dyslexia Resources
Response to Intervention (RtI) Resources
Digital Book Reading Programs

The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.
Contact information:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Email: inquire@spedtex.org